Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Distinct Advantages?

It is well documented that treating water with strong oxidizing elements such as chlorine is (to say the least) detrimental to our body.

Chlorine when it comes in contact with humic or fulvic acids forms trihalomethanes (chloroform) a known and banned carcinogen.

The Technology allows for natural disinfection, the user (either man or animal, fish or amphibian, reptiles or bird) in its natural bodily functions. Recreational water can now be deemed as potable or fit for human consumption.

The advantage of using this Technology is not only that the process is safe but that it can transform unsafe water e.g. chlorinated water back to safe water by converting chlorine (sodium or calcium hypochlorite) to sodium chloride utilizing the nascent oxygen producing element. Sterilizing water provides positive short and long term health effects.

Ongoing protection of the treated water 24/7 without the risk of re-infection

Prevention of bio-film formation in water lines

Provides longevity whilst assisting the environment

Water disinfection in all applications is of prime importance these days due to mutating bacteria and viruses

What is the Technology Effective Against.

The pure colloids of silver destroy over 650 different strains of bacteria by preventing the metabolizing oxygen and other nutrients, including some juvenile virus, ultimately the bacteria dies and becomes carbon.

The Technology is effective against disease causing bacteria, e-coli family, Legionella, Salmonella, water borne pathogens, Staphylococcus, Listeria, fungi, algae, and mould, It also prevents bio-film formation in water lines.

How Does the Silverflow Technology Purification Process Work.

Silverflow Technology chemical free water purification systems use electrolysis to introduce trace levels of pure silver colloids into the water flow.

The systems are all fitted with electronics that control the introduction of pure silver colloids. The  colloids are made up of micro clusters of silver atoms. These micro clusters disassociate over time to generate silver colloids which act as a biocide agent.

The pure silver colloids prevent disease causing bacteria from metabolising oxygen and other nutrients, thereby destroying the bacteria.

The pure silver colloids, when circulating in the water are positively charged and therefore attach to the negatively charged bacteria, destroying them. The pure silver colloids also attach to the sulphur nodules of virus preventing nutrients entering that are required by virus to multiply.

Good Bacteria is Not Destroyed.   WHY,    because good bacteria is also positive

Unlike most disinfectants or sanitizing chemicals, silver has at least three ways in which it can deactivate

micro organisims


Silver,  Re-Invented, safe, highly effective, efficacy rate is outstanding & non toxic to humans, animals & all living plants.

Why it works?

The antiseptic and antibiotic qualities of silver have been known for thousands of years, one of the more significant uses in recent times has been the use of silver blankets used in hospitals to prevent infection for burns victims.

As most people are aware heavy metals are toxic to man due to the limited detoxification process in mammals to deal with heavy metals, silver however is unique in that there are some enzymes which can make use of silver. It appears that the immune system requires silver and may use it as a biocide.

Silver colloids are safe to use for human ingestion because on arrival to the stomach they are not converted by stomach juices to silver chloride which is insoluble and is expelled as waste.

The trace elements of silver required by the body are specifically absorbed by the digestive tract after conversion from silver chloride to other organic forms.

Why Silver?

  • Silver is regarded as a natural antibiotic if produced in the precise blend and strength.

  • The Greeks, Romans and early American settlers all used silver as an antibiotic and sterilizer.

  • Until the introduction of chemicals and antibiotics (penicillin) silver was the main medication for combating bacteria.

  • Silver blankets are still used in major Hospitals in the burns unit.

  • Silver is known to destroy over 650 different strains of disease causing bacteria,  designer drugs normally kill two or three strains.

           .   Silver,   by  SilverFlow Technology is widely  recognised to provide a  99.999 %  efficacy rate in the kill of bacteria and juvenile virus

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